Micro Digital Inc kündigte heute die Verfügbarkeit des SMX.Blaze™ Paketes für die STM32F4 Cortex™-M4 basierten MCUs an.
In dem out-of-the-box Eval Pack für das STMicro STM3240G-EVAL Development Board sind enthalten: smx preemptive Real-Time Multitasking Kernel, smxNS TCP/IP Stack , smxAware Kernel-Aware Plug-In für IAR Embedded Workbench / C-Spy.
SMX RTOS fully supports the STM3240G-EVAL board as well as the IAR STM32F407ZG KickStart board with IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM. smxAware extends the debugger to display smx kernel objects, queues, and diagnostic information, as well as graphical displays of task, ISR, and LSR timelines, processor usage, and task stack usage. It also displays file system, networking, and USB information. Free SMX RTOS evaluation kits are available to download at www.smxrtos.com/eval. Demos for smxWiFi, smxUSB, and smxFS are available at www.smxrtos.com/demo.
“Micro Digital, has been a partner of STMicroelectronics since its STR7 and STR9 ARM processors were released, through the STM32F1 and STM32F2 families, and now continues this progression with the STM32F4,” said David Moore, director of development at Micro Digital. “STM32 processors have been popular among our customers, and there is excitement over this new STM32F4 family, which has a Cortex-M4 core, a rich set of peripherals, and large on-chip memories,” he added.
Der SMX.Blaze™ Eval Kitist hier online verfügbar.

Über Micro Digital
Micro Digital, Inc. ist seit über 30 Jahren im Embedded System Software Geschäft tätig und verkauft Software seit 20 Jahren.
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