Heute wurde die neue Release 1.3 der Crank Software GUI Lösung Storyboard als Beta Version freiggeben.
Storyboard v1.3 stellt eine bedeutende Release dar welche durch die Unterstützung von OpenGL ES 2.0 die Performance signifikant erhöht. Die Bedienbarkeit wird mit dem neuen Bild Manager und einer GoTo Funktionalität verbessert. Das Unser Interface wurde bereinigt und optimiert so dass die Verwendung von Storyboard noch intuitiver erfolgen kann.
Erweiterungen in der neuen Release der Crank Software Storyboard 1.3 Suite sind im Detail:
- OpenGL ES 2.0
With the addition of OpenGL ES 2.0 support customers will be able to take advantage of accelerated graphics without having to write OpenGL specific code. Along with the performance gain that OpenGL ES 2.0 will bring, users will also be introduced to a new world of cool functionality such as 3D screen transitions.
- Collaboration
For the most part collaboration is currently usually done with comparing local files or using SVN. Some customers have asked for changes to collaboration to fit into their existing environment. We have listened and added further enhancements to better facilitate Git workflows.
- PSD Import
A large number of our customers use Photoshop as their main environment for creating UI content. We are constantly working on improvements to make it easy as possible to work with PSD files within Storyboard Designer. One new feature that should make life easier is the ability to import multiple PSD files to a GDE file. We posted a preview here.
- Runtime Updater
We now have the ability to update out runtimes independently from Storyboard Designer. This will enable us to provide our customers with the latest and greatest runtime fixes/enhancements without having to wait for a Storyboard Designer update.
- Image Asset Manager
We have made some presentation changes within Storyboard Designer to make better overall use of space in the tool. Now in the image view you will be able to hover over an asset to get a pop up that gives a live representation of the image. This allows you to see how large or small the actual image is.
- Properties View
Another change we have made is to the properties view. We have made it easier to modify the values of the properties. Previously the user needed to double click values to edit them. Now values can be edited directly.
- Templates
One thing our customers will probably appreciate is the ability to create templates. If you see yourself going through the repetitive motions of creating a button with some sort of action associated with it; you can now create a template of that button. This enables you to save that control with actions for reuse later in your project.
- GoTo Functionality
Use the keyboard combination Ctrl-1 and to be presented with the new GoTo functionality. Type in a layer, control, function etc. name to get a list of where that name is referenced in your entire application. Very useful for finding resources or assets quickly in a large application.
- Performance Info
We have added the ability to collect performance information from the runtime to help analyse potential issues. The log presents how long images took to load, actions took to execute etc. This feature really helps during the final test / release cycle to fine tune performance on resource constrained devices.
- Resource Cleanup
For resource constrained devices you only want the assets absolutely needed in your application. Using the new resource cleanup functionality enables you to analyze your application and delete any images or fonts not associated with the final release. This cuts down on not needed images taking up valuable space but also makes sure you are not including unlicensed fonts with your application.