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Automatisierte Sprachkonvertierung von Ada zu C/C++ oder Java



Automatisierte Sprachkonvertierung von Ada zu C/C++ oder Java

1987 ordnete die US-Regierung die Verwendung der Programmiersprache Ada für alle Projekte des Verteidigungsministeriums an. Das Mandat wurde schließlich 1997 aufgehoben. Das Mandat führte dazu, dass für Tausende von Projekten Hunderte von Millionen Zeilen des veralteten Ada83- und Ada95-Codes geschrieben wurden, von denen ein Großteil auch heute noch in den militärischen und zivilen Avioniksystemen verwendet wird. Die meisten dieser Ada-Altprojekte wurden von Anfang der 1970er bis Anfang der 2000er Jahre entwickelt. Aufgrund ihres Alters müssen viele dieser Anwendungen aktualisiert werden, um neue Funktionen hinzuzufügen oder Probleme zu lösen, die durch veraltete Hardware verursacht werden.

Eine Möglichkeit, die Software-Investitionen zu schützen, besteht darin, die Ada-Anwendungen in die C/C++ oder Java-Sprache zu konvertieren und sie mit neuen Modulen zu kombinieren. Ada-JAVA und Ada-C/C++ Changer von Mapusoft macht dies einfach, indem es ein Software-Werkzeug zur Verfügung stellt, das dieses Ziel erreicht. Ada-JAVA Changer™ und Ada-C/C++ Changer™ konvertiert Ada-Code automatisch, ohne dass menschliches Eingreifen erforderlich ist.


  • Automatically convert Ada code to C++ and re-deploy your application.
  • Eliminate the need for a costly and tedious code re-write for extensive cost and time savings.
  • Error free tool that prevents mistakes made in the error prone task of a manual rewrite.
  • Supports conversion of Ada 83 and Ada 95 source code to ANSI C++ 03 output.
  • Preserves Ada comments, files structures and variable names for easier code maintenance. Converts Ada generics to C++ templates (In some cases, Ada generic can become a non-generic/non-template depending on original code).
  • Supports Ada tasking and rendezvous constructs. Supports Calendar, System, Unchecked_Conversion, Record Representation Clauses, Variant Records, Declare Block Statements, Ada Tick Functions, Renames (for packages, variables, records, and types), “use” for packages and types, Ada Strings, access (including access all, access procedure, nested subroutines).

Add-on tool features and re-factoring services :

  • Generate design documents of existing & new code. Transform Database and User-Interface implementation.
  • Remove dead or redundant code/data. Merge and consolidate duplicate code/data.
  • Reorganize and improve design in new code/data. Remove flaws in new code that originally existed in old .
  • Create reusable optimization/packaging/redistribution modules.
  • Integrate with modern parallel/multi processing and distributed/N-Tier operational environments.
  • Modernization of legacy systems to multi-tier architectures.
  • Modernization of flat file, hierarchical and legacy databases.
  • Modernization of legacy UI to web or other modern UI.
  • Re-factor to improve maintainability, security and performance.
  • Custom pattern-based changes. Migration to modern cloud architectures.
  • Testing & integration support solutions.
  • Extraction of business rules from legacy systems
  • Automatically convert Ada code to JAVA and re-deploy your application.
  • Eliminate the need for a costly and tedious code re-write for extensive cost and time savings.
  • Error free tool that prevents mistakes made in the error prone task of a manual rewrite.
  • Supports conversion of Ada 83 and Ada 95 source code to JAVA output.
  • Preserves Ada comments, files structures and variable names for easier code maintenance. Converts Ada generics to JAVA templates (In some cases, Ada generic can become a non-generic/non-template depending on original code).
  • Supports Ada tasking and rendezvous constructs. Supports Calendar, System, Unchecked_Conversion, Record Representation Clauses, Variant Records, Declare Block Statements, Ada Tick Functions, Renames (for packages, variables, records, and types), “use” for packages and types, Ada Strings, access (including access all, access procedure, nested subroutines).

Add-on tool features and re-factoring services :

  • Generate design documents of existing & new code. Transform Database and User-Interface implementation.
  • Remove dead or redundant code/data. Merge and consolidate duplicate code/data.
  • Reorganize and improve design in new code/data. Remove flaws in new code that originally existed in old .
  • Create reusable optimization/packaging/redistribution modules.
  • Integrate with modern parallel/multi processing and distributed/N-Tier operational environments.
  • Modernization of legacy systems to multi-tier architectures.
  • Modernization of flat file, hierarchical and legacy databases.
  • Modernization of legacy UI to web or other modern UI.
  • Re-factor to improve maintainability, security and performance.
  • Custom pattern-based changes. Migration to modern cloud architectures.
  • Testing & integration support solutions.
  • Extraction of business rules from legacy systems
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Ada-Changer Whitepaper 686.14 KB

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