Micro Digital Inc kündigte heute die Verfügbarkeit des smx++ RTOS Zusatzpaketes in der Version 4.1 an. smx++ ist ein API für C++ Entwickler und erleichtet die objektorientierte Programmierung mit C++ und SMX.
SMX Eval Kits inkl. smx++ für viel MCUs und Boards sind hier online verfügbar.
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Detailinformationen zu smx++ v4.1
Micro Digital is pleased to announce smx++ v4.1. First released 20 years ago, smx++ has received a facelift to make it simpler and easier for first-time C++ users, as well as more useful for experienced C++ users. The new smx++ is a thin layer over smx; it provides a base from which developers can easily derive their own application classes. smx++ capitalizes upon underlying C++ strengths of smx such as:
- Task-specific this pointer field in TCB.
- Scheduler dispatch of both C and C++ tasks.
- Fully dynamic kernel objects.
- Block pools for C++ objects.
- Support for global C++ object creation and deletion.
- Interoperability between C++, C, and assembly code.
All of these are important to use C++ in an embedded environment. Interoperability is particularly important to allow low-level code to be written in C or assembly, while higher-level functions benefit from C++. smx++ can be used simply to provide a "better C interface" for predominantly C code. It is especially targeted to developers who want to try C++ without necessarily marrying it.
According to Alan Moore, lead developer of smx++, "smx++ now provides a simplified interface to utilize the power of smx and encourages good C++ practices. A primary design goal has been to bring the benefits of object-oriented programming to embedded systems having limited resources. Particularly important is empowering developers to use a mixture of C++, C, and assembly code in the same project, as they deem appropriate."
"smx++ has been simplified, and it is priced moderately to encourage developers to try C++ on their next project," said Ralph Moore, President. "We are backing this up with optional in-plant training and consultation services to ensure project success."

Über Micro Digital
Micro Digital, Inc. ist seit über 30 Jahren im Embedded System Software Geschäft tätig und verkauft Software seit 20 Jahren.
Micro Digital Leitlinie ist es qualitativ hochwertige Systemsoftware und Support zu moderaten Preisen anzubieten.