Der Artikel von Ralph Moore wurde am 16.2.15 auf Embedded-Computing veröffentlicht:
Follow some simple steps and you'll make the right RTOS choice
An RTOS consists of a kernel plus middleware. Middleware is needed to do certain functions efficiently and reliably. If it meets those requirements, it's of little further consequence. The kernel, however, is central to the embedded design. It strongly influences how the design is done and it's what embedded programmers interact with the most. Hence, it has become industry practice to refer to "kernels" as "RTOSs." I adhere to that practice herein.
One problem in picking an RTOS is that it's often done at the start of a project, before the system design has been completed or even started. At that point, there's little understanding of what RTOS features are needed. Given the lack of reasons to do otherwise, the tendency of many programmers is to pick a simple, low-cost or free RTOS, then live with its limitations. This obviously is a non-optimum approach, and it can cause wasted man-months of effort and late delivery of the final system.
I'm offering a different approach to picking an RTOS, one that my that have many features you think you don't need. That requires learning how these features work, and then determining if they are useful for your application. How else can you decide what features are useful to you, unless you actually try them? Let's begin by dispelling some common misbeliefs concerning simple RTOSs. Then we can discuss how to simultaneously create a system design and pick the RTOS for it, without getting locked into the wrong RTOS, prematurely.
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Ralph Moore, President and Founder of Micro Digital, graduated with a degree in Physics from Caltech. He spent his early career in computer research, then moved into mainframe design and consulting.