Crank AMETEK ist seit nahezu 20 Jahren ein Innovator im Bereich der embedded Graphical User Interface (GUI oder auch HMI genannt) Tools für embedded Systeme.
Storyboard von Crank AMETEK ermöglicht es Entwicklungsteams und UI Designern schnell und gemeinschaftlich im Team moderne animierte Bedienoberflächen für embedded Systeme auf Basis moderne MCUs und MPUs zu entwickeln. Typische Anwendungen kommen aus den Bereichen Konsumentenprodukte, Industrie, Medizintechnik oder der Automobiltechnik.
Der schnellste Weg zum besten embedded GUI für MCU's und MPU's
Storyboard ist eine Entwicklungssoftware für eingebettete GUI‘s. Gegenüber der traditionellen GUI-Entwicklung für embedded Systeme reduziert Storyboard Frustrationen, Verzögerungen und Kosten. Es bietet Designern und Entwicklern einen optimierten, parallelen Workflow, der es ihnen ermöglicht, bei der Erstellung von Benutzeroberflächen als Team zusammenzuarbeiten.
Storyboard wurde unter dem Aspekt der Plattform-Unabhängigkeit entwickelt, so dass Entwicklungsteams UIs erstellen können, die eine hochwertige Benutzererfahrung liefern und dabei für die Hardwareleistung optimiert sind; auch bei der großen Auswahl an Hardware- und Betriebssystem-Kombinationen, die für ihre Projekte zur Verfügung stehen.
Storyboard ist das UI-Framework für Softwareentwickler und GUI-Designer. Storyboard ermöglicht es UI Designern, mittels Drag-and-Drop und dem Import von Photoshop o. Sketch basierten Designs, embedded GUI's zu entwerfen und zu erproben. Und das parallel und unabhängig von den System- und Software-Entwicklern.
Storyboard deckt mit dem Eclipse basiertem Designer und der Graphik-Engine den gesamten Entwicklungsprozess ab von der Entwicklungsumgebung mit UI Simulation, über den Prototype bis zum fertigen Target-System. Und das ohne die Erzeugung von Code. Noch nie war es so einfach skalierbare GUIs für keine SOC MCUs, MPUs bis hin zu x86 Systemen zu entwickeln.
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GUI Services: Why Vorwerk & other billion dollar brands work with Crank
As a cutting-edge software company focused on brilliant user experiences, we make sure we're always in-the-know when it comes to the latest innovations in the tech world, so we're always ready to help the next group of innovative leaders. We're noticing that more and more, smart technologies are giving people back the time they currently spend on doing day-to-day activities around the house. This includes smart kitchen tech: planning, preparing, and cooking food...
The smart kitchen market expected to hit $32.48 billion by 2025.
According to Androit Research, the smart kitchen market is expected to hit $32.48 billion by 2025. With the market rapidly increasing, consumer expectations for kitchen design and appliances are also growing high due to the mobile phone experiences they’re so used to enjoying on a day-to-day basis. The expectations are that the display screens for these products will wow them just as much as their mobile experience does - but at a fraction of the cost. The displays need to show off vibrant colours, beautiful images and 2D/3D animations, all while doing their job and functioning efficiently.
So how do companies provide the anticipated user experience in their products? By bringing both the artistic and technical pieces together. Our award-winning client did just that with their viral kitchen sensation.
The Thermomix TM6 wins 2 prestigious Red Dot Design Awards.
Internationally ranked #4 top direct selling company in the world, Vorwerk was awarded two Red Dot Design Awards, the UX Design and Winning Interface Design, for the Thermomix TM6. The Red Dot Design Award is one of the most prestigious design awards worldwide, and is an award that many of our design-conscious and consumer-oriented brands strive to win. In keeping with the motto “in search of good design and creativity”, it awards the best creative achievements from all over the world.
We are beaming with pride and so happy for Crank Software’s Custom Embedded GUI Design and Development crew who continue to work with and support this product’s UI.
Thermomix TM6, powered by a Crank Storyboard UI.
With a “stainless-steel bowl, state-of-the-art blade, precision heating element and an embedded scale”, the Thermomix TM6 unites more than 20 different appliances into one digitally-powered appliance. From whisking and kneading, to caramelizing and sauteing, it performs up to 20 different functions and techniques with the touch of a button.
The Thermomix TM6 screen features a 6.8-inch, full colour touchscreen display, powered by Crank Storyboard, the largest screen in the Thermomix series yet. The embedded touch screen allows chefs of all skill levels to explore cooking options, organize shopping lists, customize recipe collections and more, updating automatically over Wi-Fi. We loved showcasing the TM6 at our Smart Kitchen Summit booth, whipping up mulled ciders for our visitors throughout the day.
Working with Crank Custom GUI Services.
From growing startups to Fortune 500 companies, no matter the platform, we love helping bring UI projects to life and make sure they are successful, just like Vorwerk’s Thermomix TM6. The major challenge we work through with our customers is quicker time to market. With high demand coming from consumers and increased competition in all industries, products evolve rapidly. "With these time to market pressures comes increased complexity; smaller amounts of time, smaller development cycles, limited resources on different teams. That’s where we like to jump in and help out," says Jason Clarke, VP Sales & Marketing, and Co-Founder of Crank Software.
(One of the Crank Software Engineers, Matt Ellis, working on the Thermomix® TM6 UI in Storyboard.)
Our Custom Services team, specializing in backend, frontend and UI design, will work with companies one-on-one to tailor a solution around their needs. We did this with Vorwerk and continue to do so, empowering them to create innovative touch screen experiences for their customers. We consult and execute on everything from graphic design, prototypes and demos, development and integration, and testing and validation, to support embedded UI projects of all kinds. See what other innovative projects we’ve worked on here.
Ein Video zum Vorwerk Thermomix und Sensi von der Embedded World 2020