Tracealyzer unterstützt ab Version 4.2 die STLINK-V3 Debug-Probes.
“The new STLINK support in Tracealyzer makes trace visualization much more accessible for developers using STM32 MCUs, allowing them to better understand their software’s runtime behavior and speed up their development. We are happy that STMicroelectronics recognizes the importance of software trace visualization by allowing us to support STLINK-V3 directly at the launch,” said Percepio CEO and founder Dr. Johan Kraft.
“ST having added to STLINK-V3 such important features as mass-storage support, a virtual COM port with multipath bridge, and three-times faster write performance makes this competitively-priced STM32 and STM8 debugger even more powerful and useful,” said Daniel Colonna, Marketing Director Microcontrollers Division, STMicroelectronics. “Now, with the upgrade of Percepio’s Tracealyzer to support STLINK-V3 and its availability in a time-limited evaluation license, developers can see the valuable debug features it provides and evaluate its power to accelerate their design and debug cycles.”

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